Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's like trying to be Indiana freaking Jones

Argh! Well here is a late night (I know I am getting old when I think 11pm is late night!) rant...

How could I possibly be so bad at putting my child to sleep all of the sudden??
It's like Little Cashew knew that Walnut had to work late this week (4pm-12am) and that I would be on bedtime duty myself and she thought it would be fun to rebel and not ever want to go to sleep...oh and of course cry a TON!

I don't know what it is, I can get her to go to sleep while I am holding her, but I can't put her down without waking her! Now sometimes it's clearly my fault...ie I hit her arm or foot or something on the railing of the crib while lifting her over. (I am jealous that Walnut doesn't have this problem...he's 6'7") But other times I swear I am so careful and she still wakes up! It's like Indian Jones and his bag of sand/idol switch-a-roo! Just a few grains of sand off and all of my hard work gets undone!!

And now that she is finally asleep, I am too stressed over her waking up for me to get any sleep! I can hear her making little noises over the monitor and I jump 8 feet at each one...please let her stay asleep.

Ugh, I would be the worst single parent...Walnut has the magic sleeping touch with our Little Cashew...I kind of think he is carrying around ether and knocking her out...okay well I don't actually think that...but seriously it's amazing.

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