Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm a shrimp and Walnut is a a bean pole...

...and so far Little Cashew is taking after terms of height that is. She was born at 21.25 inches long, which is above the 97th percentile for a girl. Now I stand at a whopping 5'4.5" and Walnut is 6'7" it seems she will be taking after him. At every pediatrician appointment we have had since she has been off the charts in terms of literally off.the.charts. And because I'm a little nuts this worries me. Sure there are all of the basketball and volleyball scholarships to be had, but it seems like being a really tall girl might be rough. Now clearly at 5'4" I don't know the perils of being a tall person, but Walnut hits his head on things, can't fit into beds without his feet dangling off and buying clothes is a nightmare. And of course I want Little Cashew to have everything go wonderfully her way in life, and I worry about her height...

Like being able to wear heels to her high school prom and still be able to dance with her date.
I know this all seems silly and inconsequential...and trust me I know the most important things are that she is happy and healthy. It's not like being the tall lanky girl is in high school is going to be the end of her world, but it's amazing how these potential worries she may have in 15 years are giving me gray hairs's all in a mothers love I guess.

oh PS this post was started because my cousin (who is in High School and tall) joined the facebook group "It's awful being a tall girl" really I'll blame her for my gray hairs on this one


  1. I wish I had her height when I was in school. Don't worry about it now. Besides, there's nothing you can do to change it, so don't stress over it!

  2. are you 'walnut high school'?

  3. I don't even know what Walnut High School is...
