Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Little Cashew

To my Dearest Little Cashew,
Happy New Year to you! It is your first New Years Eve, and I've just put you down to sleep at 9pm (It was supposed to be 8pm, but Mommys first attempt at getting you to sleep in your crib by herself was a colossal fail!...perhaps I'll blog about my misadventures this weekend...) You have only been our little outside nut for 4 months of 2009, but they were by far the most wonderful 4 months of my life. And let me tell you, Ive been blessed to have a pretty darn good life so far, but you my Little Cashew take the cake.

You have made this entire year just wonderful. We found out about you just before Christmas 2008...Mommy and Daddy got a parking ticket going to CVS to buy the pregnancy test! We lasted a few hours before we called Grandma and Grandpa Peanut and then Grandma and Grandpa Walnut. They were so excited about you! You were only a few cells big, and your little heart wasn't even beating yet, and you already had 6 people head over heels in love with you...what a lucky little girl you are! Over the next few weeks we told our close friends and family about you and the list of people loving you just grew and grew. At this time last year Daddy and I were at a New Years Eve party trying to hide the fact that Mommy wasn't drinking any champagne.

Overall you were a pretty well behaved little inside baby...I was never TOO sick or tired and you didn't give us any big scares until the very end. I spent the next several months running around the hospital trying to avoid xrays and too much exposure to anesthesia gases...and being even more careful than normal to not get stuck by any needles. Oh the joys of being a pregnant medical student...especially when you haven't told people you are pregnant yet! And eventually Mommys baby bump was so big her scrubs couldn't hide it anymore, and everyone knew! Which was good because I was bursting at the seams just itching to tell everyone who would listen about the wonderful little bundle of joy I was expecting in August! (I already knew then how wonderful you would be)

And Little Cashew, you did not disappoint. You have been a relatively 'easy baby' as far as infants go **knocks feverisly on wood** and you bring me and your Daddy so much joy every single day, it practically moves me to tears. You absolutely take the cake and have made 2009 the best year of my life, hands down. I can't imagine 2010 could possibly be better (and keep in mind I already know I'll be getting my MD!) but you my Little Cashew are quite talented and I bet you are up to the challenge of making 2010 just as wonderful.

And here is to 2010 bringing us many more wonderful times...and lots of cute clothes...I am shopping online on Gymboree as we speak!
Love and Tummy Kisses, Mommy Peanut

1 comment:

  1. here's to 2010 bringing even more joy to the nut house =)

