Thursday, December 10, 2009

I should take all of my parenting advice from Sex and the

Let me refresh everyones memory (more or less):
Miranda: If I had never slept with Steve, I never would have had Brady
Charlotte: Awww
Miranda: Let me finish. If I had never slept with Steve, I never would have had Brady...and been too busy to eat, and I never would have been able to fit into my skinny jeans again.

There will be more on my ridiculous mommy wardrobe in another post...

So before the glorious Peapod delivery came and I went on a massive cooking spree, we were pretty low on food, and typically during the day I would have my oatmeal for breakfast, and then some combination of crackers, peanut butter and string cheese. Then some form of dinner. So not a whole lot of eating...Little Cashew just keeps me so busy!!! But since my cooking rampage, Ive been able to throw something in the microwave and have a real meal.

So there is the back story. Now for the real meat of this post...
The past few nights as I lay in bed to go to sleep, Ive felt what I am going to call "Phantom Baby Kicks" (and what Walnut calls "Digestion because you are finally eating"). But I lay on my stomach...I need to make up for all of that lost time when I was pregnant...and occasionally I feel this sensation that feels so much like Little Cashew did when she would roll over in the ute.

It made me think about amputees and their phantom limb's.

Now let me clarify...I was never one of those women who as their pregnancy went on thought "I will miss being pregnant so much." I was always a supporter of outside babies over inside babies. And I don't miss being pregnant now, nor do I want to be pregnant. But there was a certain sense of comfort that I felt as I lay there with my fake baby movements.

Yeah I know its weird, but hey, that's me!

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