Saturday, December 26, 2009

All I want for Christmas is some freaking Mint Julep!

Here is a quick blog update on how the holidays are going. Grandma and Grandpa Peanut live in North Carolina and Christmas is with them this year. Its about a 7 and a half hour drive for us to go see them, which raises the question of how to transport our Little Cashew. Shes a fabulous baby, but that's a long time in the car for an infant. And when she cries in the car it's awful.

I try sitting in the backseat with her, because then at least I can try and calm her...give her a toy or her paci (but shes not really big on her paci (un)fortunately) but if that doesn't stop her fussing, it gets rough. I just want to grab her out of her car seat and cuddle her until she feels better, but alas there are those safety laws. So keeping in mind how crippling it is for me when she cries and I am completely helpless against it (think disastrous trip to CVS a few weeks back) we decided the more she sleeps in the car, the better.

But when does she ever sleep for 7.5 hours?? Overnight of course! (Sometimes at least) So we decided we would leave after dinner, right around bedtime and hopefully she would sleep most of the way. Walnut was an absolute champ, he worked all day, came home, grabbed a cat nap and then took the first driving shift (which turned into driving the entire way).

We didn't get on the road until about took a while to pack the car in a foot and half of snow...thank you mother nature. And then come 10pm we were sitting in traffic...I was so not a happy camper...I need that gentle hum of the car to keep my baby asleep! I started thinking of long lines of profanity at all of the cars on Interstate 95 at 10pm on a Tuesday (seriously a Tuesday?!?!?!?)...then I remembered there was a baby sitting next to me, and thought it would be poor form. But that traffic cleared up after about 45 excruciating minutes....then its smooth sailing to the Deep South (I'm from the northeast...North Carolina is me being knee deep in the south...I'm ankle deep where I currently live)...right? Of course not!

We ended up in the middle of Farmville, NC (I was particularly amused by this as Ive been playing this game on Facebook) and OMG it was the middle of nowhere, ridiculously sketchy and soooo not where we were supposed to be! So the driving continued, then at 3 in the morning, I gave in and called Grandma and Grandpa Peanut with the "we're lost!" plea. They got us back on track and 3 freaking hours later we arrived in the driveway with me swearing that I would "never make this drive again"...they knew it was an empty threat

And now the whole nutty family is together for the holidays....seriously if you could meet my whole family, you would get the whole nut analogy. I love them, but they are nuts!

Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi: It is amusing that my hometown shares the name with the Facebook game. Having lived the original version (including working on a farm during the summers), I've decided once around was enough, so I don't play the Facebook game! Although Farmville is on a direct route (U.S. 264) between Raleigh and Greenville, be assured you were in a pretty safe place. It's a good town full of good people. Happy New Year!
    Eddie Wooten
