Friday, December 18, 2009

Babysitting, Bottles, Baptism....say that 3 times fast!

I must say, I love when Grandma Peanut comes to babysit! Don't get me wrong, I love and cherish every moment I have with my Little Cashew, but having the extra hands around is fabulous! Laundry gets done, dishes get washed, Cashew gets a bath....I mean, I bathe her...but she always cries and I feel bad, and if Grandma does it, I am not the bad guy! :)

When Little Cashew was about a month old we started having Walnut give her a bottle at her middle of the night feeding, to get her used to it before I went back for rotations. Apparently if you wait too long to do this And everything went fine, she ate from it like a champ, no problem. Honestly, for my own selfish reasons I was not thrilled with starting her on a bottle.

1. I am a bottle moron...yes that's right a complete dolt. We've got our fancy schmancy Dr. Browns bottles, that I just barely get by with, but nice bottles are only so good when the operator is clueless. For example, I just learned last week that at some point she will need to start eating with bigger nipples...I knew there were different sizes, but I thought each baby just ate with the one size that worked for them. Thank you to "The Bump" boards that I lurk on for enlightening me! And then there is figuring out how much to feed her! That's a whole other stressful issue! When she was born I told the nurses I would be breast feeding they tell you how long to nurse for...apparently I forgot to ask how many ounces I should feed her in a month in my post c-section stupor.
2. Pumping stinks...I do it because I will do everything in my power to keep Little Cashew on breast milk for a year..but the more bottles she gets, the more pumping I need to do
3. My stupidity aside, I love my mommy cashew nursing time. When she is hungry, I can make her happy, no problem. And there is just something so wonderful about nursing her and that bond. Even when I feel like I don't know what I am doing and it has been a rough day, nursing Little Cashew makes me feel like I am a good mom to her...

So she took the bottle for 4 weeks while I was on a local "away" rotation, no problem. When the rotation was over, we went back to only breast one told me that she would get "un-used" to the bottle! It took a ton of work on Grandma Peanuts part to get that first bottle in her. So now we are back to one bottle at night, every night to get her back into the swing of things.

And the Baptism...oy. So we met with the local priest to make a date for Little Cashew to get did not go so well. Let's just say the priest was not thrilled with the fact that we were not married in the Catholic Church...and sent us home without scheduling a Baptism to think about or situation. I don't have the energy to recount the 90 minute lecture we got, but I am reminded that in an emergency anyone can perform a Baptism...and as I type with a sleeping baby on my lap and a bottle of DASANI in my left hand....I am tempted...does this count as an emergency...

1 comment:

  1. well, it all depends on what kind of future you want for little cashew. dasani is probably going to produce slightly different results from aquafina. lemonade could lead to a very industrious little girl. sprinkle in some gatorade, and she might become a pole vaulter. i caution against beer; the evidence base surrounding its use in this setting is inconclusive.

    for the utmost in sophistication, i recommend evian. however, consider that the stuff from the brita filter might yield similar sophistication without the pomposity. in any case, whatever you do, stay the hell away from your local tap water.

