Sunday, December 20, 2009

I may have to start worshiping Carters as well

So typically I leave all of my baby clothing worshiping for Gymboree...oh Gymboree how I love all of your cute clothes, and the fact that your website makes outfits for me...and your sales! of your sales! But I digress, this is about Carters and their amazing fleece sleep bags! As seen here. I give them full credit for the amazing de-swaddling success we have had for the last 2 nights.

And now Little Cashew will likely do what she does best, and prove me wrong by having a miserable night tonight...let's hope not!

But 2 nights ago, we decided to try and de-swaddle Little Cashew. After Christmas we are going to transition her to her own room and into her crib, and we figured we should start to get her out of the swaddle too. I mean she breaks out of it every night anyway, so Walnut and I figured she was ready. But we thought to ease the transition (and keep her warm) we would put her in one of these sleep bags...this way she will stay warm (she is too little for loose blankets, and when we tuck her in with a blanket around her, she gets it loose and puts it over her face...its part of that "Everything goes in my mouth!!!" movement she is on. On night one she slept TEN HOURS (!!!) including a 1:30am wake up (no crying...just kicking and a few grunts) which she put herself back to sleep during and last night she slept for 9 hours straight. The only draw back here is that I've woken up completely covered in milk and need to change and take a shower asap...but it seem like a small price to pay for sleep!

So my only concern with this fabulous new product is that it says "0-9 months" and Little Cashew is quite a tall little munchkin, and at 3 and a half months doesn't have a whole lot more room in them length-wise...and when the night comes where she needs to go to sleep without one...yikes I don't even want to think about it...because I've gotten it in my head that she NEEDS these fabulous sleep bags!

It looks like there will be another trip to CVS today...need some Dr Browns Stage 2 nipples...I think...who really knows...see previous post regarding my low bottle IQ. But we are hoping that will help with the bottle mayhem that is currently ensuing...more on that later. Did I mention that there is a foot and a half of snow on the ground...yeah Walnut will be transporting her on this adventure.

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