Sunday, December 13, 2009

The 1950's have set some unrealistic expectations...

I don't understand how women then did it. Now there is always the possibility that TV is lying to me (as this is where I base most of my assumptions about 1950's living) and these women were not as amazing as it seems. But to me it seems plain old impossible.

Homes being regularly vacuumed, dinner on the table without a hitch each night, women in perfectly pressed dresses and not a hair out of place. I just don't see how I would ever be able to get those things accomplished in a day. Either 1. those women didn't have infants or 2. the black and white TV made it so I couldn't see the bags under their eyes from staying up all night...the black and white TV also must be hiding the spit up stains on their clothes

Seriously. It's not that I didn't respect full time moms before, but now I think I really understand why its a full time's just not possible to get anything else done during the least for me. I'm super proud of myself for cooking 3 meals today...but I did it with Walnut watching and playing with Little Cashew. And no cleaning got done today, that will be tomorrows goal. And during the week when I am home alone with her (I don't have a rotation to go back to until January) I am amazed when I get one 'non baby' thing done in the week!

And as for perfectly pressed dresses and perfect hair...I can't help but laugh out loud trying to imagine me in something other than scrubs or sweatpants and a tshirt or tank top. I'd like to think that I usually keep Little Cashew well dressed (thank you Gymboree!) if we are going out, but my primping tends to fall to the way side.

So would I just have been eaten alive had I been born 50 years eariler? I think I just have a revised set of goals. We've got a roof over our heads, everyone eats and we are pretty much a happy family. And as I sit here with a beautiful sleeping Little Cashew in my arms, I realize that nothing else matters.

1 comment:

  1. It makes you realize how dedicated great-grandma peanut was when you look at the old home movies. All the kids dresses up for church and the birthday parties in the dining room ,the table set and a beautiful homemade cake.And yes I do remember her telling me that she stayed up late at night to mop the kitchen floor( only time no one was crawling on it)and sew us all matching PJ's. That was her career and she loved it
